Over the past several months Jews around the world, and especially in the United States, have been alarmed and dismayed by the threats to Israel’s democracy that have roiled the country and provoked unprecedented civil protest among Israelis.
Israelis are wrestling with efforts to remove the independence of its judiciary and to take other steps that seek to undermine the existence of Israel as a democratic Jewish country. Israel’s Declaration of Independence promises a democracy based on equality, freedom, and justice for all its citizens.
Since its founding, JCPA has been inspired by Jewish values of human dignity and equal justice under the law, and committed to vibrant and secure Jewish communities here, in Israel, and throughout the world.
American Jews share in Israel’s destiny. JCPA urges all parties to seek consensus and compromise in a civil and collaborative manner, and with appropriate checks and balances, in order to preserve the democratic values that are central to the State of Israel.
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