Jewish-Arab Relations

The National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council and the National Association of Arab Americans jointly


  • condemn unequivocally all terrorist acts, defined as politically motivated acts of violence against civilians, whatever their origin, and urge even more vigorous U.S. government efforts to combat the scourge of international and domestic terrorism;


  • reject all forms of stereotyping and discrimination based on the actions of individual members of religious or ethnic groups;


  • recognize the need for enhanced U.S. governmental capabilities to conduct the battle against terrorism;


  • believe that U.S. constitutional safeguards for civil rights and liberties must be respected and maintained in the development of anti-terrorism initiatives;


  • support the peace process and active U.S. involvement in the pursuit of comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace based on justice and security for all parties;


  • value the relationship between the Jewish and Arab American communities and seek practical ways to broaden and deepen that relationship through dialogue and joint projects; and


  • while acknowledging disagreement over the Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995 — the NJCRAC supports it with certain modifications, the NAAA opposes it as currently drafted


  • pledge not to perm it different perspectives on this or other initiatives to damage our relationship, or to deter our two communities from continued cooperation on behalf of shared goals and interests. 


The National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council is the national coordinating and planning body for the 13 national and 117 local agencies comprising the field of Jewish community relations.


The National Association of Arab Americans is the premier political and lobbying organization for the Arab American community.

