The United States and many other countries have become increasingly dependent on oil in the Middle East. U.S. foreign policy is constrained by the burden of protecting oil supplies in nations whose autocratic governments are often hostile towards democracies and the West in general and the U.S. and Israel specifically. As stated at the 2001 Plenum, the JCPA wishes to reaffirm our support for the development of a comprehensive national energy policy that increases U.S. energy independence by reducing our reliance upon fossil fuels – particularly oil from the Middle East – through energy efficiency and the development of environmentally-clean, safe, affordable, alternative energy sources and technologies. The U.S. Congress should adopt new policies that maximize these efforts.
Since the Jewish Council for Public Affairs first addressed the issue of climate change in 1997, the evidence that human activity is causing climate change has become compelling. Serious debate in the scientific community is no longer about whether climate change is occurring, but rather by how much and how fast. Some experts believe we may only have a decade to make major changes in worldwide energy policies before the effects of a warming planet become irreversible.[1]
The community relations field should:
[1] Environmental Defense Fund,
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