David Bohm has been elected JCPA Board Chair for the term, June 2021 – June 2023, and will serve as the 29th leader of the organization since its founding in 1944. He leads JCPA as it seeks to expand its role as a vital resource to Jewish communities across the United States in forging alliances with other ethnic, cultural and religious groups working for civil rights and racial justice and combatting hate. Bohm will guide the organization as society faces challenges of increased polarization and racial disparities inside and outside of the Jewish community and a changing landscape in the Middle East.
“I am honored to have the confidence of the Board and JCPA’s numerous stakeholders as we move this great organization into a new era,” said David Bohm. “The work of the community relations field is recognized as the antidote to fighting antisemitism and hate, and our aim is to ensure that the local Jewish community relations councils and JCPA, its national hub, is resourced, informed, and plays a significant role on the national landscape to meet today’s current challenges. In the post-pandemic period, networks of Jewish organizations are coming together to leverage resources and support to the Jewish community. We believe JCPA’s network can be a model and help set a path forward.”
David is a leader in national and local Jewish organizations. Driven by his passion for Tikkun Olam (repair of the world), he has been involved with JCPA since 1992. He has held leadership positions at JCPA, including Chair of JCPA’s Policy Advisory Committee and Delegates Assembly, Chair of the Task Force on Jewish Security and Bill of Rights), Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. He has held Board and other leadership positions with a number of Jewish and secular non-profit organizations in his native St. Louis, including past Chair of the St. Louis JCRC and various positions with the St. Louis Jewish Federation. He is also a past member of the UJA Young Leadership Cabinet.
Bohm has drafted several bills that have been enacted as state statute in Missouri; most recently helping to draft a suicide prevention and awareness bill requiring all school districts in Missouri to adopt a suicide prevention and education plan. He received JCPA’s Tikkun Olam Award in 2020.
David is an attorney and principal at Danna McKitrick, P.C., where he is a member of the firm’s Executive Committee.
“David is the right man for this job at this moment, and we are grateful to be working with him, said Melanie Roth Gorelick, JCPA’s Senior Vice President. “David’s commitment to the community relations field has been exemplary. He remains passionate in his beliefs that the Jewish community can find common ground to ensure that America lives up its ideals of equal rights and freedom for all its citizens. He is a policy expert and has a strong knowledge base on Israel and efforts for co-existence. We look forward to his leadership to steer us during this time period.”
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